
Estimate feature

Estimate feature The estimate feature can setup by following steps along with graphical representation as below Estimate number auto generated configure at initial system configuration Select client from list to create the estimate Select the currency from list to create…

Invoice Feature

Invoice Feature Invoice is the main business instrument for payment and receivable. System invoice configuration are explained step by step followed 

Add an Invoice

Add an Invoice Following are steps to add invoice in the system Invoice number is auto generated based on your prefix set at initial configuration Select project from list Select client from list Add invoice date Add due date Select…

Add Recurring Invoice

Add Recurring Invoice Recurring invoice are those invoices that are repeated frequently by the returning clients Select project from list Select client name Select currency from list Select invoice date Select due date Show shipping address Enable/Disable Select billing frequency…

Create Time Log Invoice

Create Time Log Invoice Time log invoice that’s created on the base of time log created by the system from user profile history. To configure follow the steps Invoice number is auto generated based on your prefix set at initial…

Payment Feature

Payment Feature Payment feature is also a vital component of AdminCore system. Step by step setup configuration are as followed Select invoice from list Enter paid on date from calendar Select currency from list Enter amount of payment Enter payment…

Expense Feature

Expense Feature Expense is the basic feature of any business software. Expense feature is implemented in the system and following step to configure’ Select the member from list Select project from list Select expense category or add new category by…

Add Recurring Expense

Add Recurring Expense Recurring expense is the repeating expenses by the business entity. Following is the steps of configuring the recurring expense Enter the item name Select expense category or add new category by click on button Enter the expense…

Credit Note Feature

Credit Note Feature Credit note are the receipts / documents issued to the clients who return services / goods which can be offset against future transection Click on the credit note button to show a list of available credit note

Product Feature

Product Feature Product is product is an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use as of the consumer demand. System has a product feature to add products for clients. Following are step to configure product in the system…

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